Environmental, Social, and Governance

ESG is a key consideration as we develop more and more detailed designs for the project and progress our exploration work. Being part of an ethical supply chain to drive our transition from fossil fuels to renewables and low emissions transport systems is key to successfully participate in the new economy.

We pride ourselves on transparency, stakeholder engagement and community involvement and continuously report on our performance and broader ESG activities. We firmly believe in maintaining a public track record of our performance from the very early stages of exploration, all the way through to the development and operation of mines.

Our Commitment

RareX remains committed to consistently reporting key Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics in accordance with the established framework in 2021. ESG considerations are of paramount importance as we refine project designs and advance our exploration efforts.

Playing a role in an ethical supply chain is a fundamental element in our transition from fossil fuels to renewable and low-emission transportation systems. It is a vital component of our participation in the emerging economy.

Our core values revolve around transparency, active engagement with stakeholders, and community involvement. We maintain an unwavering commitment to regularly disclosing our performance and broader ESG initiatives. We firmly believe in establishing a public track record of our performance, spanning from the initial stages of exploration all the way through to the development and operation of mining projects.

James Durrant, CEO:

“RareX is determined to deliver Cummins Range in the right way from the very beginning. We started with our ESG framework which captures all of our stakeholders’ sustainability expectations and maps them to our project development phase. We have been delivering to these commitments, which are commensurate to our project phase, capability and the materiality of our activities’ impacts. We maintain transparency to this through our annual sustainability report and through our engagement with the community.

Monetising in a Sustainable Manner

ESG Framework
WEF consistent designed by Top5 advisor
Aligned to stakeholder’s expectations
Mapped out through exploration, development and into operations

Social Performance Framework
Designed to International standards UN and IFC
Maximises potential for positive indigenous relations
Provides for progressive development of social performance for all project stages

Current Initiatives
TO negotiations towards a Mining Heritage Agreement
Environmental Baselines +75% complete
Aboriginal impact assessment defined for execution
Recruitment process to remove barriers for aboriginals and minority groups
Employment and Contracting of local and regional TOs
Jaru Ranger programme being investigated in conjunction with KLC

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